The Journey Continues…
There are thousands of entities across the U.S. that are there to assist Veterans/Families, but there seems to be a disconnect in reaching those services. That disconnect is wasting valuable people, resources, time and perpetuating 22 Veteran suicides a day across the country. How do we connect Veterans/Families more seamlessly to available resources, and how do we connect Veterans and civilians beyond a thank you?
Rachel Oswalt hosts the SAVE A LIFE event in Oak Harbor, WA that included a live screening of STRANGER AT HOME, followed by a Q&A with the director, cast and very special guests.
World renowned trauma expert and principal cast in STRANGER AT HOME, Dr. Charles Figley, continues his healing efforts for so many from the Vietnam era through today.
Maurice Wilson, Veteran leadership with the San Diego Veterans Coalition is putting the STRANGER AT HOME blueprint in action with their paradigm shifting reintegration program for returning Military and their Families.