As the producers of the PBS documentary STRANGER AT HOME we are excited to present a sample from our next documentary!


We envision a future where we will no longer need conflict and war to resolve our differences, until then, when we as a Nation feel threatened we turn to the men and women of the U.S. Military.

When their service has ended and they reintegrate to civilian life, can they in turn count on US? Are we welcoming home our Veterans/Families?

Is saying thank you enough?

There are thousands of entities across the U.S. that are there to assist Veterans/Families, but there seems to be a disconnect in reaching those services. That disconnect is wasting valuable people, resources, time and perpetuating 22 Veteran suicides a day across the country. How do we connect Veterans/Families more seamlessly to available resources, and how do we connect Veterans and civilians beyond a thank you?

The answers may help all of U.S.!

Sometimes the end is only the beginning!


Center For Veteran Reintegration

Welcome Home explores the groundswell efforts for a National Veteran Reintegration Program, which provides a clear pathway to the sea of goodwill awaiting Veterans and their families. Can this working model, using existing resources, provide a blueprint for other segments of the population, including life after incarceration, homelessness and foster care?


We are excited to create unique partnerships with conscious advocates for Veterans and their families. One of the best parts of our documentary process is using our work to support your mission, while your brand’s association strengthens our message and widens our outreach.

Storytelling is a powerful tool that gets a conversation started, a movement launched and change enacted. We look forward to where the journey takes us!

Sponsors are eligible for a full tax exemption through our 501c3


For further information contact:
Sheila Higgins | sheila@threeinoneproductions.com