
Wow, Day 2 of the Indiegogo crowd funding campaign and so much positive energy is swarming around this project!

You’ve heard me say it — everything about our veterans is a hot topic right now. GOOD!! We need to be talking about them and their families all the time — to the extent that change, progress and solutions occur.

Making STRANGER AT HOME is our way of creating a dialogue about the unseen injuries of combat and war. No, we can’t see these injuries, but they are very real and wreaking havoc on the lives of these people who have given us all so much.

I’m a big believer in the healing power of open and honest dialogue about those otherwise shameful, stigmatized and sweep-it-under-the-rug topics. We’re committed to making a film that compassionately and authentically expresses what psychological injury is and how we can help those who are struggling with emotional and mental health issues get better. And by authentic I mean — hearing from veterans and their family members first hand about their experiences.

A friend shared with me his feelings last evening about the trailer on our campaign site. He said, “the veterans, wives and children you feature held my full attention. It was moving and all too real. We can ALL identify with family.”

STRANGER AT HOME is a film intended to promote help and hope — it’s as simple as that.

Please CLICK HERE to SEE the trailer and be part of something big and meaningful:

Sending love,
