‘Twas the night before the launch, and all through the house, the dogs were being dogs and Lu was being a spouse…

Hey Guys —

It’s true, it’s true! We’re just hours away from launching our STRANGER AT HOME crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo where YOU get to be part of something big, meaningful and timely.

This documentary film project is blessed — not just ’cause we’re committed to making it, but because when we did say “yes” to stepping-up, Divine Guidance stepped-in and we’ve been led ever since. There’s been no hurdles, just a big, green light from the Universe, bringing us who and what we need at the right moments — including the very privileged opportunity to intimately connect with some of our veterans and their families. I can’t express enough gratitude for that.

And holy hashtag, I’ve got a Twitter Team for the campaign!

Seriously, that happened just today. Yup, Miss No-Tweet here has created some adept tweeters to keep spreading the word about the campaign. Accepting more, of course. We want this campaign to go viral!

I truly can’t wait for you to see the campaign site — a compelling trailer awaits with the opportunity to hear from some of our veterans and their families. There’s beautiful rewards for you to choose from for your valuable contributions. And I can’t mention this enough — ALL donations to this campaign are fully tax deductible.

So —

Stand by for the LIVE link to the campaign site, comin’ at you

I just know we’re going to rock this for our military heroes. $300K in 50 days. Yes WE can.

Beyond excited,
