Hey Folks!

As we approach August, I hope the summertime mellows have hit you in the gentlest and loveliest ways. May you be creating that necessary lower gear, recharging energy that these lazy, hazy (and hotter!) days offer us. A gift, really, as we are forced to choose our movement and actions more efficiently and deliberately — or we deplete ourselves more quickly, right?

There is something to be said for economy of motion in general. How much more productive and empowered do we feel when we choose the path of least resistance — toward all that we desire — while intending alertness, flexibility and ease on said path?

The choice is always the same: we can stress about and force outcomes, which I have done countless times with always unpleasant side effects. Or we can calmly and mindfully journey to the same outcome — maybe even a better one than originally envisioned!

Sure, I know there’s a lot of heightened stuff going on in the world right now — crazy, unloving nonsense — or no-sense, as in, our behaviors toward our fellow human kind make no sense at times. Loads of times.

Yeah, there’s so much happening and not happening. Makes your head spin and it’s a lot to be heartsick about. I mean, c’mon, we’re shining a cinematic spotlight on our veteran situation, so I get it. We ALL want to feel better about all the things that seem so obviously important.

So, how do we do that — feel better?

Well, I can’t speak for you, but I’m practicing keeping my own attitude adjusted; my beliefs about goodness, abundance and hope in the more positive vibration.

Here’s how I break that adjusting down — pretty simple, ’cause I gotta keep things that way or I short circuit:

51% of the day is all I ask of myself to look at the glass as half full. That’s it. And you know what? 51% — that really is just enough — plenty, honestly — for me to stay in my heart, my own shoes, walking forward, step-by-step, into uncertainty, with an unflagging passion to be part of solution; to be, do, and act more as a creator rather than just a creature, ya know?

Seriously — miracle vibration shifter:

51% of the day make it your intention to see the glass half full in every area of your life, and then expand your view finder to the rest of the universe. What can I see that is good? What can I appreciate?

If you’re not feelin’ it for the other 49% of the day, no bigee. Let yourself be where you are because you’ve already done the vibrational heavy lifting (for that day) and you have shifted (permanently) your point of attraction. Yes — you have. Energetically speaking, you have moved yourself closer to living your dreams versus waiting on them. Rinse and repeat the next day, and the next, and the next…

Hot extra:

That little 1%, that slight, tipping-point effort is the secret sauce to life looking, being, feeling pretty darn good despite what anybody else is or isn’t doing.

I know, I know — easier said than done. Hey, I said I practice. Not perfectly, but I make this practice a priority. My soul work-out.

And it is work, no question, but it’s become the only way I see to keep myself in check — in spiritual shape. To be completely and only responsible for my own balance and not get caught up in how to balance the rest of the world (read ensuing frustration, anger, hopelessness in such pursuits) kinda really takes the pressure off.

In other words, if I’m focused on where I put my focus — my 51% — I can more readily and authentically get caught up, instead, in compassion, kindness and empowerment. Choosing to lead with them in all I do, in all I say, in all I create — ooo, boy, things go so much easier and my contribution to the positive balance and healing of the planet becomes so much more impactful. Making “Stranger At Home” is my homage and testimonial to this practice.

On these dog day afternoons of summer I watch and learn as our sweet and silly German Shepherds just crash into guiltless naps. They’re just too big and hairy to be moving about during the heat of the day and they’re smart enough to know that. They also seem to have this complete trust and faith that play awaits — unforced — in the cooler evenings.

To all things unfolding in Divine timing and just as you wish,


P.S. We’re editing — slowly — from our production days last week on “Stranger At Home.” It’s dark AND cool in the edit bay, thankfully. Next week, we’re out in the field again, both in Malibu and West Los Angeles with more shooting days. More details soon!


Please have a listen to the interview I did last Sunday, on BEING DELIBERATELY radio with Dr. Jonathan Shay. He’s a former psychiatrist with the Boston VA, and a very special “voice” on the nature and treatment of combat PTSD and the moral injuries of war. Special, special heart. Powerful show. He’s our guy — our “map” of integrity for the documentary. Here’s the link: